Testimonials and Endorsements

The following comments have come to me over the years from a variety of sources.

1. Unity Magazine Articles

Amarillo, TX: “I love your articles that Unity publishes every month in the Unity Magazine. Keep them up please. I am always thrilled to get the magazine and your articles are the first ones I read.  Do you have the book on hand of A Practical Guide to Meditation and Prayer that you wrote, or do I need to order it from Unity in Kansas City?”


Cotonou, Benin Republic, W. Africa: “I admire and gain much inspiration from your writings and that is the main reason I write to congratulate you for your inspired writings you express and publish to help mankind in their spiritual growth.  I sincerely congratulate you for your integrity in the expression of the Truth of God to inspire humanity and I pray the Almighty God to grant you more wisdom to publish more and more to reach all. Thanks for promoting religious efficiency and expanding the Word of God to every part of the world.”


Grand Rapids, MI: “I want to thank you for your article, Victim, Survivor, Master. It was so good. I used it as a basis for a talk recently and of course gave you the credit. Everyone loved it.”


Salt Lake City, UT: “I am moved to the soles of my feet after reading your November Unity Magazine writings. Brilliant! You have such an ability to really see people’s life problems as they see them, and to offer realistic ‘doable’ remedies that are sensible, comforting, and not pie-in-the sky or wordy philosophy. You’re a gifted writer with a unique way of putting things. Keep up the excellent work. It’s a pleasure to receive a Unity magazine and see your name in the table of contents.”


Naperville, IL: “Yesterday I received my November copy of Unity magazine and read your article: God’s Abundant Scheme of Things. Wow!! What a wonderful article! So practical and down to earth! I am anxious to read more of your works. I would love to buy your book.”


Salt Lake City, UT: “As a reader of Unity publications of every kind for the past 33 years, I know the next ‘shooting star’ of Unity when I read him!”


Winnipeg, Canada: “Please accept this gift to be used as you desire. I am beginning to tithe to where I receive my spiritual food. Thank you so much for the short inspirational articles you submit to Unity magazine. These articles are a continued blessing to me. When Unity magazine arrives I look for your words which always speak to me. I keep each article near at hand and read them often. Blessings to you and your family.”


Tulsa, Oklahoma: “Thank you so much for your articles in Unity. Over the years I have saved those writings that were most helpful to me. I can’t read without a highlighter and as I sat down this morning and began to review some of the articles I had saved and highlighted, I realized that a good many were yours. Thank you for your help, your knowledge and your insight. You have truly touched my life.”


Rotonda West, FL: “I don’t know if you will remember I wrote to you last August to tell you how much the article, The Ebb and Flow of Spiritual Growth helped me when I was worried that as a new person in Unity, I had ‘lost it.’ I can’t tell you how many times I have made copies of that piece and given it to friends, and others, who seem to find themselves in that same boat, and have benefited as I did and still do. I am glad to see that Unity is carrying many of your writings – I am always happy to see your name listed in the contents, as I know I will learn from and enjoy them.”


Derry, NH: “I am writing because I want to express my gratitude for all the help I have been receiving from your articles in Unity magazine! It is very encouraging and uplifting to come upon another person who has, apparently, experienced and grown through similar challenges on his own spiritual journey as I have or am experiencing. It is especially thrilling to receive the Unity magazine and read your articles and realize that within a week or two prior to reading it, I have already experienced the same, or similar realizations! It is a sort of conformation of my new spiritual growth! It is also helpful when your article points the way to meeting challenges which may be really ‘shaking me up,’ causing me to wonder what happened to the faith and understanding I thought I had! Thank you for your help! And please accept the enclosed check as a token of my thanks and love.”


Clayton, MO: “I came across several Unity magazines – one containing an article you had written which I had marked up. I re-read it and thanked God that I was led to the task of straightening ‘stuff.’


St. Petersburg, FL: “I’m writing to tell you I saw and read your article in the May edition of Unity Magazine. I loved it! And I was so happily surprised to see your name on the cover! I like and agree with your advice about living in the now. It’s very important.”


Alhambra, CA: “This is just a short note to tell you how much I enjoy your articles in the Unity monthly magazine. The June article really gave me a much different insight into how to deal with the past and future. It was very timely in my particular instance. One of the things I appreciate about your pieces is the fact that they are well thought out, a lot of original thought, and a minimum of quotes from other New Thought writers. I find that too many writers do nothing but quote others or give examples of how problems were solved by Mary Smith or John Doe. Thanks so much for all your good work and continued success in your endeavors.”


Brooklyn, NY: “I’ve read so many of your wonderful articles in Unity magazine. I, like you, have been searching for meaning in this life. I have found the teachings of Jesus so beautiful and wonderful.”


Kansas City, MO: “I want to take this time to express my appreciation to you for the many fine articles that are published in Unity magazine. I read all of them and have especially been touched by this month’s article: God’s Abundant Scheme of Things. Most of the time we credit the channels – a habit we have given into!”


Branson, MO: “Just read your article on change in the August Unity. It is excellent – should be of help to many people, for you’ve made a very clear outline of how attitude must change for the good to materialize.”


Springfield, IL: “I’ve thought of writing you previously but then I let the time go by after Unity Magazine has arrived and been read. Your articles in the magazine are very meaningful. You are an excellent writer and I look forward to the next issue of the magazine to see if your name is in the Table of Contents. It seems you write to my needs at the time.”

Letters from Radio Listeners

(approximately 1983-1994 KTXR, Springfield, MO)

“It is always very comforting and uplifting to listen to your broadcast, among other things because you are not afraid of teaching what for others are compromising points. May our Father continue blessing your courage and clarity in your ministry.”

“We are going through some very tough and trying times right now and your (radio) programs keep us going. I don’t know what we would do without you.”

“We would like for the enclosed check in the amount of $100.00 to be used for radio broadcasting. Even though we are present for your sermon each Sunday morning, we enjoy the ‘radio repeat’ for the following Sunday, and frequently glean more benefit the second time around. Thank you for making our day.”

“You’ll never know how much your Sunday (radio) service means to us. We sincerely thank you.”

“I had no knowledge of the Unity church prior to one and one half years ago. Then one Sunday, I turned on the radio. I had reached a new low – filled with despair. I had just written a note to my family explaining why I had to take my life. As I was counting out the pills I was going to swallow, I heard Rev. Bottorff speaking (I really heard him). His voice and message was filled with so much love and hope the intense pain I was experiencing seemed to dissipate. I had not been in a church for 20 years and had totally given up on the idea of a God – until that Sunday when your service was broadcast. I can’t even tell you why I had the radio on at that time. I never had before. But I know that Rev. Bottorff saved my life and since that initial message I have missed only 2 or 3 broadcasts. There have been many times during this past year I have been sustained only by the assurance that I would hear your words again on Sunday. ‘Wait till Sunday’ has been my personal battle cry.  So I thank you with much gratitude for reaching out to me – and many others, I’m sure – with love and greater hope for the future.”

“My husband and I enjoy your show very much. We try and listen to you each Sunday. Have enclosed a check for your radio program.”

“Please send us the tape for Aug. 10. We listened to Dr. (Rev.) Bottorff this morning, and as so often happens to both of us, his message makes sense, which has not been true for us in our traditional church. Sometimes we are comfortable and other times we feel ourselves ‘fighting’ the message. The messages (from our own church) often do not fit. We live 80 miles from Springfield and plan to visit the church some Sunday morning. What time are the services? Thank you for your messages on Sunday morning.”

“I was away for a month and missed the broadcast. Coming from Oklahoma to Missouri I could pick it up, after I crossed over to the state line, but with a lot of static. Was good to hear your voice. I enjoy the broadcast every Sunday while I drive to Branson.”

“Thanks so much for dealing with this subject (healing) in the light of God’s love and giving step-by-step guidance on drawing on God’s power and love to heal and help with this problem. This is an answer to prayer.”

“Today, I listened to your fine radio program on KTXR Springfield for the first time and I enjoyed it immensely because of your clear teaching, your excellent sense of humor, and the two topics: ‘Faith to Remove Mountains’ and ‘I Am.’  May the Lord your God continue blessing your ministry.”

“Your program has helped me through some very difficult times and opened up a whole new way of thinking. The gradual building of faith has given me much needed strength.”

“Just a note to let you know how very much we enjoy listening to your sermons Sunday mornings on FM 105.5.  I just happened to find you back in May while flipping across the dial. It’s so refreshing to hear a point of view from ‘organized religion’ that is so close to my own beliefs. I was raised by Baptist parents and (my wife’s) background was Lutheran. We’ve never attended church much in over 14 years of marriage. We both look forward to listening to you on Sundays now and feel it’s been very helpful for both of our lives. The radio station is kind of weak sometimes and occasionally fades in and out. (We’ve missed the punch-line a few times to your jokes!) Never the less we do enjoy hearing you so much! Just wanted to thank you for being there and wish you a happy, prosperous, new year.”

“I enjoyed your program this morning on KTXR as I do most Sunday mornings. However the rest of my family was at church and subsequently missed the program. Would you please send me your tape of this mornings broadcast so that I may share it with the rest of my family?”

“We listen to the program every Sunday morning and now have 2 other people who listen with us, and discuss Unity after it’s over.”

“I just thought I would write to show my appreciation for your letter sent out on Easter. I thought it was very good and I was glad to see such words in print. I have always found it to my dismay how people could be so blind to what was obvious and before their faces. Maybe, with people like you who can put such information out in a way they can understand, people will begin to open their eyes. And I can think of nothing better for our world than to have people open their eyes to what begs to be understood. May many eyes be opened by you, to the love awaiting them; and thank you for such a well done letter.”

“We enjoy the Unity program very much, and enclose a love offering.”

“I hear your excellent messages every Sunday. Shortly, I plan to visit Springfield, meet you and investigate Unity.”

“My husband and I really enjoyed the sermon on January 12. He taped it. I enclose a love offering.”

“We so much appreciate your Sunday morning radio program. Especially helpful to me was your sermon on faith – expectation. May you be blessed so you can continue to aid us all. Lord knows we need it. Thank you.”

“Please send a tape of today’s KTXR message on prosperity. Anything on the other side will be just fine. I am inquiring about starting a church here. I am very impressed with the messages.”

“We have been listening to the radio program each Sunday and enjoying every one of them, since we arrived here from California in July. We ordered one tape which we have enjoyed very much, and are now ordering the tape from Sunday, December 22. We now propose to tithe to the church and would like to have tapes from each Sunday’s sermon. We have begun to meet several people in our area whom are of our way of thinking and may be able to get something started around here.”

“Please send cassette recording of your radio broadcast of Sunday, December 8. I enjoyed it immensely.”

“We do not have a Unity church here in West Plains and whenever I travel I try to find one to visit. Please continue with your Sunday radio service – I do enjoy it. Rev. Bottorff, you are a down to earth person.”

“This morning from 10:00 to 10:30 on radio station KTXR, I heard a very meaningful message, and I believe that it originated from your church. The theme was that, ‘We get from life what we expect to get.’ It spoke quite strongly to me, and I would truly like to be able to obtain a tape cassette of the message.”

“I listen every Sunday (to your radio broadcast) and it makes my week.”

Three or four of us at Sturkie have been interested in the Unity teachings for the past several years now, and have shared subscriptions to Unity Magazine. So it was with a great deal of pleasure that I ‘discovered’ your Sunday broadcasts over KTXR.”

“I enjoy Dr. (Rev.) Bottorff so much on Sunday morning. My growth and understanding of God and my world is so much greater and I am more comfortable where I am – and where I am going.”

“We have enjoyed your Sunday morning broadcasts ever since we came to Springfield 18 months ago. You are to be commended for your programs. They are informative, instructive, and the best presentation of spiritual interpretations we have ever heard. We are members of Eckankar, without the opportunity of hearing such messages each week from our own organization. Eckankar is not large or as wealthy as Unity. But, you need to know that this family is grateful to you. Again, thank you for making your messages available to all of the ‘Gentle Giant’ listeners. You picked the best station in Springfield!”

“Wanted to let you know we heard your excellent message on Prosperity today. The radio is the next best thing to being there in person.”

“I just wanted to say, ‘You are beautiful!’ As I see it, you are 50% theologian, and 50% psychologist. Or maybe you are 100% psychologist. The point is, you are beautiful, and loving. I belong to no particular religion. I see the value of all faiths. Each one is addressing the same concern, only in different ways. But I am part Christian, and I think you are beautiful. You talk with people, rather than preach at them. You nurture the spiritual growth of others, and yourself.  God, thanks for J Douglas Bottorff.”

“I recently heard your radio broadcast and would be interested in receiving the tape recorded message. I also found what you were saying very interesting. Could you possibly send me any information about Unity – its history, beliefs, practices, etc.  Anything that you feel would aid me in my understanding.”

“I listen to your sermon on the radio most every Sunday.  My brother that lives next to me (we’re in fairly secluded woods, in the Ozarks) is the one that introduced me to your program. We’ve both talked about coming to your church and feel it out. I’m not certain what the Unity church’s doctrine is, nor is it what attracts me to you. But, the feeling I get when I listen to you, that feeling is what draws me to you. I feel you put a lot of time and effort into what you say. I also feel like you feel what you are saying, not just trying to fill in 30 minutes of time with meaningless quotes from the Bible. You also seem so much different from other preachers. Different in the way you make your sermons apply to improving oneself now. And doing that by using our most important tool, our spirit. I look forward to hearing you every Sunday and feel like our spirits are close.”

“Our prayers are with you for continued soul awareness, that you may share abundant good with the world. We enjoy your sermons and always take the time to listen and feel the uplift of our own souls as we move beyond our health challenges. God bless you and your family in every way.”

“The highlight of Sunday is listening to your fine minister. Just since November I have been able to get the station he is on.”

“I enjoy your program on KTXR Sunday a.m. Especially your sermon on November 19. Would you please send me that tape? It was uplifting and inspired me towards becoming a friend as one should be towards all people. Thank you!”

“I am writing you to tell you what a wonderful message you give over the radio. It is always good to hear truth principles expressed in such a happy, life-giving way and with what seems to me, a great sense of humor … well you are most gifted and certainly as far as we are concerned you are one of the best speakers we have heard in Unity – no reflection on anyone because we love them all. But indeed, you are appreciated and enjoyed in this home. I know that in our years of serving, many lessons have been learned, one being that when Spirit has an open channel and the channel is centered in love, well people will be touched and healed in the way they need it. You certainly are such a channel and you know our prayers and blessings are with you and your ministry.”

“Your sermons (I’ve heard two) encourage the thought/attitude direction I want to strengthen. Please send me copies of both broadcasts.”

“Will you please send me a tape of pastor Bottorff’s message of September 18. I found it very meaningful. I enjoy hearing the presentation each Sunday.”

“We listen to your broadcast every Sunday morning and enjoy it so much. I’m sending you my tenth to be used however you choose.”

“I listen to your program every Sunday morning. It is an inspiration to me. I am learning much from it. Here is a donation to be used in any way you want.”

“I was coming home from Oklahoma when I heard the (radio) program. It answered many questions I’d had lately.”

“Thank you for the inspiring radio service this morning.”

“We’ve agreed that you have us completely spoiled with the delivery of your message. Looking back, I can see where I became enthralled with your style first, then Unity. Had another minister been my first contact with Unity, I doubt that I would be the happy Unitic that I am. We are both anxious to continue the lessons in life that you have to share.”

“We immensely enjoyed our visit with you over lunch yesterday. You enrich our lives and uplift our spirits. Thank you for being a positive influence in our lives.”

“I would especially like to thank you for the message I listened to several times this week that you gave last Sunday. The tape was brought to me by a young lady I started dating last March. The message was most assuring that our endeavor in positive, forward momentum is shared by many. His blessings continue in His work through you, friend.”

“As I listened to the two tapes I picked up last week, once again I realized the depth of your understanding and wisdom. I want you to know that you do have an important message to offer. I believe you present that message in a clear, straight forward, and understandable manner. I believe your ministry is and will be richly blessed.”

“I hope the people of Christ Church are aware of and appreciate what a fine teacher Rev. Bottorff is. I’ve been listening to the Unity Way of Life for three or four years now.  It’s about time I responded with at least a, thank you.”

“We do enjoy hearing your program and we bless you and see you prospered in every way.”

Testimonials Endorsing Books

A Practical Guide to Meditation and Prayer

“I continue to receive strong spiritual sustenance from your two books: A Practical Guide to Meditation and Prayer & A Practical Guide to Prosperous Living. I have been a tither for several years and the knowledge in your books is just what I need to hear at this time. Equally wonderful is the way that the universe works. Please accept the enclosed tithe in grateful acknowledgement of the knowledge, guidance, and spiritual support your work has provided me.”

“I want to express to you my heartfelt thanks for your having written A Practical Guide to Meditation and Prayer. The book has proven to be both educational and practical. I am in the process now of several re-readings of the book, along with thoughtful reflection. It has impacted my life significantly and I expect even greater impact in the future. I know that God will continue to richly bless you as you bless others through such books.”

“This book changed my life! It is truly the most wonderful book on prayer and meditation. It was given as a class at my church.”

“This is the very best book on prayer that I have ever read. I enjoy your writing style, your straightforward presentation of the material, and the clear way that you describe the difference between meditation and prayer. I appreciate how well your book fits with those who have little practice with and understanding of meditation and prayer as well as those who are more experienced. Thank you for the lovely way you present the topic.”

A Practical Guide to Meditation and Prayer

5 stars: Where Secular meets Spiritual…not way “out there”… Bottorff is the layman’s guru. Plain. Simple. Understandable. Way ahead of his time. I hope he wasn’t discouraged and will write some more, for us. Both books Monique mentioned are my faves, too. I was lucky enough to get a hard-cover edition of his Practical Guide for Meditations & Prayers, thru Amazon’s resellers. A treasure! I also ordered more, for gifts.

4 stars: using this for a study group

5 stars: My “go to” guide on prayer and meditation: I have owned this book for many years and consider it my “go to” guide on meditation and prayer. The reason why is in the title, because it’s a practical guide. It tells you not only how to do it, but why you do it, and gives you insight into the changes that will happen to you if you do. I have bought copies for friends and family and they’ve all been very thankful. The writing is so crystal clear, deep and penetrating, it is so easy to appreciate it.

5 stars: This is a beautifully written book. The concepts are presented in a clear and compelling way. The author’s authenticity comes through in his writing. The book lives up to its name…PRACTICAL. I recommend this book for anyone in search of purpose and a deeper relationship with themselves and God. I also recommend his other book…A Practical Guide to Prosperous Living.

5 stars: i read this then bought copies for people i care about. in my opinion a very inspired book for those with the courage to determine for themselves what is meaningful. the author is a christian unity minister i believe but his frame of reference is universal. i love spiritual literature but am sometimes daunted by the esoteric redundancy. this book is everything its title claims.

5 stars: Excellent book for any level reader. It is clear and concise for anyone to experience God regardless of the spiritual knowledge.

5 stars: Still reading it, but a very clear discussion of the purpose and process of meditation and prayer. One of the best I’ve read.

5 stars: Beyond expectations !!!

5 stars: Fantastic Guide to New Thought Prayer: In A Practical Guide to Meditation and Prayer, J Douglas Bottorff gives us an easy to read beginner’s guide on meditation, what to expect at first and not to expect, and the purpose of meditation being that it is the process that brings you into direct contact with the attributes of God. Regarding the subject of meditation, this book has helped me immensely in how to begin meditation and how best to do so.

Regarding the subject of prayer, Bottorff is so right on! We use prayer to raise our higher consciousness and conform our thought system with our purpose. He uses denials (releasing negative thoughts) and affirmations (a conscious effort to bring the Truth of God into your awareness and then ACT from that truth) to teach us how to pray and live with more peace of mind, better clarity of our Oneness with God and in praying for others.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who desires to work on their spiritual growth, as it is a fantastic tool to be read over and over because it is just so very inspiring!

5 stars: a practical guide to meditation and prayer: Without a doubt, the most practical, concise, and to the point book I have ever read about meditation and prayer. This is a must for someone who wants a well written and clear book on these subjects. No jibberish and ‘roud the mountain lingo here. A definite keeper for my library.

A Practical Guide to Prosperous Living

“I led a Prosperity Workshop at the church I am pioneering, this past October. To help the workshop participants stay focused on their goals in the weeks afterward, I decided to follow the workshop with a prosperity class. Our text for the class was your book, A Practical Guide to Prosperous Living. What a gem! It is, in my opinion, the best book on prosperity principles I have ever read. Why? Because it faced the issues in consciousness that show up whenever we commit to doing something in a proactive way to change our lives. Particularly valuable for me was your insight on tithing (or any spiritual or practical discipline). I don’t think I’ve ever heard it said before that the purpose of any act of discipline is to bring to conscious awareness our inner resistance to it. Only after being aware of our resistance can we release it. It’s profound, Doug. And it’s an insight I am using to grow personally.”

5 stars: Practical and Powerful: This is a beautifully written book. The concepts are presented in a clear and compelling way. The author’s authenticity comes through in his writing. The book lives up to its name…PRACTICAL. I recommend this book for anyone in search of purpose and a deeper relationship with themselves and God. I also recommend his other book…A Practical Guide to Prosperous Living.

5 stars: Practical means it makes sense!: This is a great book and I would highly recommend this or any of Rev. Bottorff’s works to anyone seeking to gain a greater perspective of their spiritual growth – read it – apply the teachings – reap the rewards!

5 stars: A Little Book Filled with Big Messages: This is one of the best books I have ever read on how to really get to know your true self. It lives up to its title of being a “practical guide” by explaining why you never really solve your problems by looking outside yourself for the solutions, while at the same time providing you with specific instructions on how to put the principles described in the book into action. It is a small book that is well written and yet so packed with information that I found it best to read it in small sections and to really let each chapter sink in before continuing on with the next.

If you have a nagging sense that you are not really living the life that you were meant to live, I think this book could really help you get to where you really want to be in your life.

5 stars: Are you satisfied with how the “Law of Attraction” is working for you?: Are you having trouble “manifesting” the things you want? Are you having trouble keeping your New Year’s resolutions? There is a very good reason for it. The author covers a very important aspect of creating your life, with intention, that is normally not addressed by today’s Prosperity “gurus”.

5 stars: Prosperity is Yours to Keep: When ReviewTheBook.com offered me this wonderful book to review, I knew I was missing something concerning my own life and my own beliefs about prosperity. Bottorff’s book helped me to organize my life in a way to balance my wrong beliefs about prosperity to better utilize his tools for my future benefit. This book will do the same for you.

J Douglas Bottorff’s book will give you the tools, guidelines and the practical information you need to understand the principles of prosperity and how to put them to work in your own life. If you want to open new doors of prosperity and deepen your spiritual life, this is one book you will want to read.

The author’s goal with his book is to awaken to your true potential as a prosperous person in a real world of confusion. He will show you the way to evolve your prosperity from the inside out, to touch your inmost truth and to live your life the way it’s intended to be. To better understand how to do this Bottorff’s book clearly defines three modes of consciousness that we see expressed thought-out the human family. These are basic survival, creative survival and artistic expression. Without spoiling this book you must read it in order to fully understand that prosperity is for everyone who wishes to pursue their dreams and learn from others. They say that when the student is ready the teacher will appear, and J. Douglas Bottorff is the teacher we all need in our lives in the 21st century.

5 stars: Very Inspirational: A Practical Guide to Prosperous Living is about being true to the real you. It’s about finding out who you are completely, which will give you a better life. J Douglas Bottorff explains how people hide who they are when in certain situations and until you learn to be true to whom you are you will not be very happy with what you have. Bottorff also helps you to understand your goals and how to make them work for you and what you want them to be. Like the saying goes” no two people are exactly the same,” so why try being like your friends?

A Practical Guide to Prosperous Living helped me to understand that although I may be happy with what I have, I am not truly happy with. I know that I want more for my life and that of my daughters, but until I know exactly who I am and what I want in life I will never be as happy as I could be. Bottorf talks about how people who experience life or death situations also experience the feeling of true happiness. They experience the real them for just a little while before they come back. I think that we should all be able to feel like, except without the near death experience.

In my opinion this book by J Douglas Bottorff is very helpful in finding out how to be true to who you really are. There are many different exercises that will help to achieve that goal. Bottorff’s book is also an inspiration to make me want to find my inner happiness and joy and bring it to the real world. By doing so, I believe that it would also improve how one lives their life.

I think that everyone should read A Practical Guide to Prosperous Living. I think that it would be very helpful for everyone that wants to be as happy as they can be. No one disserves to be unhappy, even if they think that they are happy, they probably are not. So I recommend that everyone go out and find A Practical Guide to Prosperous Living.

5 stars: Too Many Underlines in My Book to Discuss! Not only do I think this is a practical book for anyone looking to figure out how to bridge the gap between their financial dreams and reality, it is a great resource for writers like myself — especially because it is such an easy read.

The Complete Soul Reviews

5 stars: It has been my good fortune to read Douglas Bottorff’s books and hear him speak. He is the epitome of a good minister. He goes right to the Soul, where the effort does some lasting good! Great teachers manage to nudge you closer to your Own. If the reader can accept this ancient and lovely idea, presented wonderfully in modern vernacular, then the door is open, the burden is light, and you are invited to accept this most personal and profound connection to the divine -immediately! You are assured and encouraged that you need not wait for evolution or some distant call. Doug writes in “The Complete Soul” that he wants to support fellow questers and give them assurance. He then hopes to inspire and encourage. These are truly lofty goals and this book achieves them …Completely!

5 stars: A friend heard me say that I wanted to purchase this book and then that dear friend gifted it to me for my birthday. Turned out to be a treasured gift. Of course, I knew it would be. Bottorff has a way of expressing spiritual ideas that leave you with seeds of hope that our rich spiritual heritage lives on in the soul of our being. Take your time reading this gem…you deserve the joy it will bring!

5 stars: Excellent! Plan on using this in a book group.

5 stars: I am so grateful for this book……it is written with such clarity. As an independent New Thought minister, I will use it not only personally but will use it for group book study purposes. This book is one of the best “new thought” books I have ever owned and read and I will reserve a special place for it on my bookshelf and in my heart.

5 stars: I look forward to each of Bottorff’s books. As a minister I will be using it for a series of Sunday talks. Bottorff writes from his own heart and soul and it comes through loud and clear.

Native Soul

5 stars: What a find! I have been in touch with the author via his Unity Church video posts of Sunday talks, and this book helps to summarize his thoughts regarding the human soul and its perfection, point and purpose, in our lives. I felt release of worry and fret as I wended my way through the text. There is a comforting feeling woven into every paragraph! My take is that I no longer need to take courses or add more degrees to my CV. The perfection of the soul is the guide, the map, the Way. Surely a book you will treasure and re-read for years and years.

5 stars: I really love this work. Embodied non dualism. While addressing the main issue of coming into an awareness of becoming our true Self in full realization, not as an act of working on oneself, correcting oneself, but of accepting of the truth of where to look for the Self that is already enlightened, not needing improvement, we also learn how that process impacts our everyday life and how it can come into harmony with this realization. I feel like I can become a creator as an expression of that realization, not a person acting to compensate for that “something missing feeling” in my being by accumulating things and situations chosen by a limited self. Not that we can’t thrive in this life we can and enjoy all of life’s blessings starting now.

4 stars: This book is about getting back to the basics where your soul is concerned and the Unity way. I don’t always agree 100% with Douglas but his book gives a lot of food for thought.

I would especially recommend this book to those who are members of the Unity Church but I also would recommend it highly for any interested in Unity or who want to find their “native soul” and embrace it.

5 stars: A real need as a approached being Soul.

3 stars: has good parts but not certain of the overall direction: I read this book to discuss with a study group. Most people loved it, but I found it difficult to get a grasp on the over all message. ( if you go to the last 2 paragraphs, you will see it). Most people loved the analogies that are used throughout. The writing style is a bit difficult for me. I really had to plow through it, instead of joyfully reading paragraph to paragraph.

5 stars: Good book. Helpful

5 stars: A must have book: Absolutely phenomenal book!

5 stars: Great book and thanks: Great book and the section on Judge Troward was well done.

5 stars: NATIVE SOUL was a very accessible approach for understanding the inner presence of God and the power of that realization.

Doug’s ability to explain and portray complicated notions is unique in the field. Once read, one laughs at the utter simplify of Divine presence and activity.

5 stars: Wisdom on every page.

A Spiritual Journey

5 stars: Gotta get this one! This is a must have book for all spiritual seekers. Doug, in amazing, clever (and sometimes humorous) words shows us ways in which the creative energy of the universe is always available and at work in our lives. These stand alone short entries are just the thing to read again and again. They always elicit feelings of hope and inspiration just when I need them.

5 stars: Doug is an especially thoughtful and insightful writer. I always benefit from his writings.

The Whisper of Pialigos

5 stars: Better than any first novel has a right to be! As a former editor of Doug Bottorff’s and a friend, I began this book with a combination of fascination and concern. What if it wasn’t as good as he thinks it is? My dread evaporated quickly within a few pages and from that point on my admiration soared. This is better than it has a right to be, I quipped to myself at one point.

This novel is a kind of Da Vinci Code meets Celestine Prophecy except it excels at everything the latter tries to do on every level, and it is deeper and more spiritual than the former. In fact the specter of expectation works against this book; we expect a kind of derivation and then are gleefully surprised by its freshness.

I am impressed by Bottorff’s skillful descriptions that propel the action. I am pleased by his characterizations that are more than believable but compelling. And the sexual tension he introduces and sustains between Stuart and Niki is truly delicious. This book offers a feast on many levels, the beauty of the Greek islands, the excitement of adventure and romance, the stimulation of both spiritual and intellectual ideas that touch archetypal emotions within us.

The conclusion is also most gratifying as mythological themes and the plot elements come crashing together, and this satisfaction is no small feat. I like how Bottorff merely suggests that Stuart in a former life may have known Jesus himself but that this is not a major point of the novel. While I thought the survival of the scroll and of Capt. Threader was a bit incredulous, this is a minor quibble that no doubt would play well in a Hollywood movie, which by the way this book deserves. I loved it and I did not want it to end!

5 stars: This book was a complete surprise for me. I was expecting some sort of Greek mythology and wouldn’t you know it was something COMPLETELY different.

Stuart Adams agrees to work for a rich man named Wes Barnes. Also working with Barnes is an archaeologist, Dr. Niki Mikos. Their job is to embark on a search for a scroll with knowledge that could change the world. This search is one that Niki’s father had been working on before he was killed in a plane crash. In this manner, she is carrying forth the mission in his honor. This is her burden to bear…maybe. Stuart is currently ensconced in the relationship of his dreams. He knows himself he knows his world he’s happy…maybe. And Barnes? He has his secrets, too, but they shall take a little longer to be shown to the reader.

It turns out that Stuart and Niki are connected. Through 2000 years of reincarnation. She knows, he doesn’t, she believes, he doesn’t. But through an amazing journey, Stuart finds himself, really finds himself. He fulfills a prophecy of Pialigos – the Whisper. It’s that “have I been here before – I know I have-I belong here” sort of feeling.
His mission is to find this scroll. And spread the Word throughout the world. Yes – that Word. For, you see, his past life includes being friends with whom we know as Christ, studying with him and others, and knowing the true word. Unexpected, no?

Mr. Bottorff has managed to tell a story in a manner unlike any other. I love books about “alternative” ways of seeing spirituality. I have read many of them and NONE has taken on this path. Not even close. Inventive, passionate, and even educational, you don’t want to miss this read.

This book was truly astonishing for me. I felt like the story was meant for me. I felt like there was a message in this book for me. And I think you will, too.

5 stars: Back to the Garden: The Whisper of Pialigos: Like many others, I, too, enjoyed this book for its fast-paced action, rich description and sympathetic characters. But while it provides a great ride on one level, I enjoyed even more the intellectual play, careful research, metaphorical frames, and the metaphysical dimensions of the book. Bottorff’s hero is, indeed, an everyman, an Adam who must make his way back to the Garden after losing his way. That this contemporary Adam eventually discovers both his material Garden and his spiritual innocence through the journey, makes the story satisfying. The literary choices Bottorff makes to get him there give it a deeper artistic dimension than might be evident at first glance.

First, the labyrinth plays an important role in the novel. The ancient symbol that predates all modern religions and is used in most, can be seen as a spiritual exercise where the (silent) meditative journey is as important as the destination, a recurrent theme of the novel. It also symbolizes the spiraling karmic path of death and rebirth, significant in the novel. And it represents a great spiritual and physical paradox involving a frightening and chaotic maze within a great and complex cosmic plan which, in turn, reflects the twists and turns of the characters’ travails within the wholeness of the plot. This use of symbolism made this novel richer for me than Mosse’ labyrinth novel, for example, which like Brown’s DaVinci Code, simply uses spiritual symbols to generate or further a plot rather than reflecting, exploring and enriching the wisdom imbued by those symbols.

Another aspect I enjoyed was the play on words in the title. Bottorff’s fictional Pialigians seem very close in certain descriptions to the ancient culture of the Pelasgians–the pre-Greek civilization that in some interpretations of Plato’s Critias were from the continent of Atlantis. Even more interesting, a similar homonym, (or slip of the keyboard in my case), offers “Pelagians”, followers of Pelagius, a first century, C.E., Catholic monk and heretic who believed that Original Sin did not taint human nature because it, being created from God, was Divine (Wikipedia). While unexpected and perhaps coincidental, the similarity to the Three Measures of Wisdom in the novel is worth noting.

More archaeological sites of the book deserve excavation but for now, I’m hoping for both a film and a sequel. What does Adam do now that he’s discovered spiritual truth? How does this new knowledge work for him and his bride? And what about the “sons of Adam” who grow up in an Eden without the mark of Original Sin? Do they still struggle? I have a hunch that this author has much more to impart about the implementation of wisdom; I know he has the artistic skills to do it in a way that makes it both accessible and richly rewarding. Wouldn’t it be interesting if, like the scroll Adam finds, it is one day said about Bottoff’s book:

“This unlikely source may indeed offer the world one of the clearest windows yet unopened into the mind of Jesus” (266)?

5 stars: A fun novel full of interesting ideas: This is the story of Stuart Adams, a man who has it all figured out. He just needs money. But when he takes a lucrative job overseas, he finds questions coming faster than answers. He remembers places he hasn’t been and knows things he can’t possibly know–such as the location of an ancient document linked to Atlantis. He finds himself deeply drawn to Niki, a woman he only recently met–even while he struggles with his commitment to his girlfriend back in the States. As Stuart and Niki race to find the scroll ahead of a notorious smuggler, Stuart finds himself on a parallel journey of self-discovery.

The two lead characters are appealing. Stuart is believable as a wise-ass agnostic forced by compelling evidence to re-examine his beliefs. He doesn’t want to believe what he is experiencing, especially as conviction frequently leads him into danger. His stages of resistance and capitulation may be familiar to many readers. Niki is entertaining as a passionate, smart and indomitable woman. More than once, she effectively puts a man in his place by employing such varied means as theological debate and driving a golf ball into the ocean. In one memorable instance, she gets a drunk on the wagon by the sheer force of her will coupled with an absolute belief in his human dignity.

I enjoyed everything about this book–the colorful characters, witty dialogue, exciting plot and underlying themes. What makes the story special is its positive and hopeful portrayal of humanity. It suggests that we underestimate human capacity. We know more than we think we know, and we are capable of more than we can imagine. Intriguing concepts in a fun book.

5 stars: Having read two other books by this author, books I refer to often for their inspiration and simple truths, I was curious to see how he would take the leap from down-to-earth spirituality to the writing of fiction.

I agree with other reviewers who say that The Whisper of Pialigos is a fun story. Stuart Adams unwittingly embarks on a wild and harrowing journey in search of an ancient scroll, while at the same time searching his soul for understanding and meaning in his own life and relationships. What is love, anyway? Is something missing in his life? His better judgment tells him he should go back home to Marion and protect what he has. But, a mysterious memory, a whisper, propels him in another direction.

Vivid descriptions, beautifully crafted, give life and personality to the characters. The vibrant hues of the Greek islands remain painted in my mind. I feel as though I have journeyed there. They say it’s fiction, but I’m not so sure. I’ll never forget the feeling of standing on the beach of Kyropos, trapped in the fiery darkness of the awakening volcano as the earth trembled and the rising sea threatened to devour me.

Perhaps the writing of this story was not such a leap after all. Mr. Bottorff has artfully created a captivating story with beautiful locale and down-to-earth characters as a backdrop for his interwoven spiritual theme.

5 stars: J Douglas Bottorff is well- known for his non-fiction books on prosperity and on prayer. With his new novel The Whisper of Pialigos, he combines his authority as a respected author of spiritual principles with his imagination and skill at developing interesting and believable characters.

The Whisper of Pialigos is a story of reunion – the reunion of soulmates, the return of ancient mystical wisdom, the union of past with present, and the mystical reunion of self with Self.

The novel contains enough intrigue and adventure to satisfy men, and enough romance to please women. (I confess I saw Bruce Willis or Nicholas Cage playing the role of the hero Stuart Adams, and Rachel Weisz playing the passionate, sultry Greek archaeologist Niki.) Bottorff’s new book joins the ranks of such best-selling novels such as The Celestine Prophecy, Illusions, and The Alchemist and proves that spiritual wisdom can be packaged as a page-turner. A great read!

5 stars: I thoroughly enjoyed reading this action-packed book full of mystery, humor and suspense. The story line is so captivating, I just couldn’t put it down. I felt I could relate to the main characters in the story like they were old friends. I love happy endings and this book has a fantastic ending. I felt a little sad when I finished the book because I wanted to know more about their lives and what might happen to them in the future. I want a sequel!

This is a special book that stirred my heart and soul. It gave me glimpses into the beauty of the Greek Islands, educated me on volcanoes and tsunamis and the spiritual element inspired a deep feeling of oneness with all that is. It’s a wonderful book!

5 stars. Heart, soul and action, too!: If you liked “The Da Vinci Code,” you’ll really like “The Whisper of Pialigos.” What a pleasure to read an action-packed page turner that’s also actually about something! The characters are fulsome, believable and engaging. The plot line is terrific, with enough twists, red herrings and reversals to provide a great ride without being confusing. Mr. Bottorff’s powers of description are excellent; he evokes all our senses in a story that’s both earthy and spiritually stirring. And the love story alone is worth the price of the book!

5 stars: I want to go to Greece now… This well crafted story captured my attention with the opening sentence and I could hardly put the book down until, regretfully, the end. It is easy to read yet is a complex tale, woven with mystery and metaphysical message along with detailed characters, exotic locations, lots of action and intertwined relationships. This multi level depth kept me intrigued as the story flowed along and carried me through the gamut of emotion. I really enjoyed this thought provoking, good entertainment story and look forward to more works from this author.

5 stars: Indiana Jones, Move Over, Stuart Adams is Here: This is a good story that leaves one hungry for more. It is the vividly descriptive, action-packed classic hero’s journey of Stuart Adams that takes one from the pine-scented forests of the San Juan’s in Colorado to the soft, sensuous warmth of the Greek Islands of the Mediterranean in search of answers to eternal questions. It is fast-paced and action-packed, with strong, well-defined characters, well researched with sound seismic and archaeoligical science, and has a compelling positive message.